Geoff Moore sadly died, soon after Jeffrey Markham advised 4BRDU of Geoff's hospitalisation and illness.
Jeffrey Markham, President of the BANSW made this statement this evening: "It is with heavy heart and great sadness that I inform you all of the passing of a good friend of the Band Association of New South Wales.
Such a passion and love for community and school bands dosen't come along very often and Geoff has certainly left an indelible mark on the Band Association of New South Wales.Jeff Markham, President BANSW
Geoff Moore passed away late this morning at Sutherland Hospital.
Geoff will be missed by us all and has certainly achieved much for Community and Scool Bands in this State in his role of Secretary of the Association.
Such a passion and love for community and school bands dosen't come along very often and Geoff has certainly left an indelible mark on the Band Association of New South Wales.
I am sure you will all join me in offering the deepest sympathies to Geoff's wife Sandra and his family in their loss."
It is expected that the funeral will be early next week, and notice of the arrangements will be placed on the homepage of the BANSW website once they are received.
Rest in peace, Geoff.