The officers elected were:
President: Paulette Nicholls
Vice President: Tony Luck
Secretary: Phil Mead
Asst. Secretary: Sally Luck
Treasurer: Jean Cartledge
Delegate to BANSW: Phil Mead
The new Branch President thanked the outgoing Committee for their dedicated work over the past twelve months and particularly thanked Ian Madden, who did not stand for re-election, for his valuable work in recent years.
The Committee expressed disappointment at the very small attendance and representation from Metropolitan Bands at the meeting and had concerns regarding this apathy for the future of the Branch which is now in its 48th year.
The new Committee will now progress arrangements for the annual Solo & Ensemble Competition to be held on 17 & 18 May 2008 at Bankstown Grammar School. It was agreed to retain the new format trialled last year and will hold the Under 19 and Open events on Saturday and the Under 11, Under 13 & Under 15 Events on Sunday in an endeavour to minimise the conflict with sport commitments for the younger competitors.
Entries for the competition will close on Friday 4th April.
The Branch also hopes, later in the year, to hold a follow-up to the very successful Adjudicator's Workshop it ran in November last year with Andrew Snell.