The Durham County Brass Band Association, in conjunction with Durham County Council, are proposing to hold a Festival of Youth Brass Band Music on Saturday, 28th June, in Durham City Centre.
Durham Festival
The venue proposed is Millennium Square, in the heart of Durham holding the Gala Theatre. The Festival will act as a pre-cursor to the Durham Brass Festival, held in Durham throughout July.
Vaughan Evans, Chairman of the DCBBA, is inviting any North East brass ensemble to register their interest in taking part. The format of the Festival is yet to be confirmed, but it is intended that any youth brass band or brass ensemble (any size) are to be invited to play whatever music they wish as part of the day's programme.
The theme of the day will be showcasing the young and vibrant talents of the area's brass musicians in whatever format they wishOrganisers
Vibrant talents
The theme of the day will be showcasing the young and vibrant talents of the area's brass musicians in whatever format they wish.
Already a number of the region's bands have expressed an interest in taking part.
If any local bands wish to express their interest in taking part or find out more, they are asked to contact Vaughan on or 01642 656 822.
The closing date for expressions of interest is 15th March 2008.