www.musictoolsdirect.com Offers downloadable exam accompaniment in mp3 format, to students of both the ABRSM and Trinity Guildhall syllabuses. The website launched recently with a catalogue of pieces from both examining bodies.
You or your band can register with musictools direct, as an affiliate, this will generate an affiliate code that is unique to you. Give the code to students studying grade exams and ask them to enter it when purchasing mp3s from the site.
For every download (where applicable) associated with your affiliate code musictools direct will give you 20p!
Many schools, music teachers, brass bands and other organisations have already signed up for their affiliate code and are enjoying the financial benefits of recommending musictools to their studentsmusictoolsdirect
Quick and easy
www.musictoolsdirect.com is a well thought out website, designed to make it easy for users to find exactly what they are looking for quickly and easily. With mp3s organised into instrument, exam board, grade and list, the navigation becomes familiar very quickly.
The brainchild of Steve Walker (pro trumpet player and brass teacher) and Jason Mountford (graphic designer and musician). The website was born when the pair recognised a need for the service.
Steve Walker told 4BR: "As music teachers across the country are aware, it is not always possible to provide peripatetic instrumental music lessons in a dedicated music room with keyboard facilities, we believe that having access to our recordings would be a valuable teaching aid. Teachers with limited keyboard skills are also finding our accompaniments useful."
Valuable resource
Brass students across the country are finding the site to be a valuble resource.
Something that co-creator Jason Mountford has first hand knowledge of – "I started to play trumpet again recently after a break of about sixteen years, starting from the begining I began to practise some early grade pieces, I spoke to Steve about creating some recorded accompaniment for the pieces I was practising."
Jason added: "I found that my playing came on leaps and bounds, not only was I able to practise with piano accompaniment whenever I liked, but I actually felt like I was making real music' a sentiment now shared by many students across the country."
Log on
Many schools, music teachers, brass bands and other organisations have already signed up for their affiliate code and are enjoying the financial benefits of recommending musictools to their students.
Log on to www.musictoolsdirect.com/affiliates to get your code today!