Cumbria Brass at the Castle is looking for players to join then for a collective photoshoot at Brougham Hall in Penrith on Sunday 6th April
It is part of the promotional kick-start to the Brass at the Castle family festival that takes place there on Saturday 17th May, with all brass players, family, friends, and pets welcome!
Join us
In a press release sent by Julie Hoggarth, Strategic Lead at Drum and Brass, the organisers said: "Join us at this year's 'Brass at the Castle' venue. We'll take some publicity photos and play a couple of pieces to get festival-ready!"
Players are asked to come long in band uniforms as well as bringing their instruments, stand, red hymn book (if you have one), 'Slaidburn' (if you have it), and pegs for outdoor playing.
Further details:
Time: arrive 2.30pm for 3.00pm
Venue: Brougham Hall
CA10 2DE