After a successful year publishing the 'Brass on the Mind' online magazine, Mode for...director Tabby Kerwin has announced that there will be even more wellbeing and mental health content made available free to musicians in the brass band movement.
The ethos of "doing what we love and loving what we do"has made the publication a huge success — enabling it to move from being a paid magazine to a free blog.
Commenting Tabby said: "The past two years has really shown the importance of being aware of leading a healthy wellbeing and mental health life.
Now we are in the position to help even more. I'm passionate about supporting wellness and mental health in the brass band movement as we now have an opportunity to impact people's lives in a positive way across many generations through music and camaraderie.
By making Brass on the Mind accessible in this way, Mode for...can really play its role in helping people and that feels so right and attuned to our ethos of "doing what we love and loving what we do"."
Tabby revealed that new content will be regularly added to the blog, designed to support the wellbeing of brass band musicians, plus new links to its Facebook group, new seasons of its Podcast.
Mode for... is also working hard to create more free mental health and suicide prevention training opportunities for people in brass bands.
By making Brass on the Mind accessible in this way, Mode for... can really play its role in helping people and that feels so right and attuned to our ethos of "doing what we love and loving what we do"Tabby Kerwin
Tabby added: "It is so important that we prioritise wellness and mental health in the brass band movement as by looking after the people we strengthen the movement as a whole.
It has been great publishing the magazine, but the reality is we are never scared of mixing things up at Mode for... and having great content and contributors is amazing, but that content needs to be accessible to everyone to be effective.
Check it out:
Check out the new blog at: