It has emerged that the Midlands Regional Committee is facing a serious challenge in finding a new venue to host its 2022 Area Championships.
Regional Secretary Lesley Bentley told 4BR that she had been informed late last week by the Civic Hall in Bedworth that they had cancelled the booking for the contest.
Covid extension
The council owned venue has been used as a Covid vaccination centre for Warwickshire, with a recent meeting between them and the NHS resulting in an agreed extension from the original end date of December to the end of March 2022.
At present there was no clear indication that this date may well be extended further depending on continued Covid-19 pressures.
Not clear
Lesley told 4BR: "On Wednesday afternoon an extension was as agreed until the end of March 2022. Speaking with the Civic Hall Manager, it wasn't clear what the future holds, and that reverting the venue back to a hall able to host a contest would take around two months.
Although this is a very frustrating situation, we are fully supportive of the need to put people's health first."
Although this is a very frustrating situation, we are fully supportive of the need to put people's health firstLesley Bentley
Alternative help
Lesley is currently looking at alternative venues with date availability and has asked that if anyone has a viable alternative that they believe could be investigated, to get in contact as soon as possible.
"We are currently looking at two venues but would like to know if there are realistic alternatives.
Lesley can be contacted at: