Song for Hope, the inspiring story of world renowned trumpet player Ryan Anthony and how his love of his art helped him and others in their personal journeys in the battle with terminal cancer, is heading for recognition at leading film festivals across the world.
Speaking to 4BR from Hollywood where he is currently working, writer Chris Haigh told 4BR that applications are being reviewed to show the film at the acclaimed Sundance and SXSW Festivals with the final touches to the soundtrack being made.
Raising millions
Chris said: "As 4BR readers know, Ryan was the principal trumpet with the Dallas Symphony Orchestra. When diagnosed with a rare terminal blood cancer, he started a charity called 'CancerBlows' raising millions for cancer research by putting on huge music concerts with some of the greatest trumpet players in the world."
During his treatment, Ryan also climbed Mount Fuji alongside his oncologist and played his trumpet at the summit — an inspirational achievement that Chris said showed that he was determined to life live to the full and reflect the unwavering strength and support of family and friends.
Influential festivals
Now all that has been brought together with the film just about ready to be shown to audiences around the world, starting at the most influential festivals.
"Having worked on the film solidly with my colleagues Luke and Tara Wyatt for the past 2 and a half years, we are now reaching the finalizing process and will be taking it to the major festivals.
There are lots of documentaries about famous people such as Val Kilmer and Demi Lovato, but this film is about someone lesser known in the wider world but adored by our community. We need to be the ones to hold up our heroes to be seen by the wider world."
Having worked on the film solidly with my colleagues Luke and Tara Wyatt for the past 2 and a half years, we are now reaching the finalizing process and will be taking it to the major festivalsRyan Anthony
He concluded: "Through all of this, our goal is to show people the power of music not just through the message, but through the soundtrack, the layout, pacing and structure.
Anthony Dilorenzo's soundtrack that was written to underscore our film is amazing, creatively fueled by his lifelong friendship with Ryan and his own successful battle against cancer.
It truly is a symphony that underscores 'Song For Hope' at points even interacting with the footage and music on the screen.
I hope people will be inspired when they get to see the full film, but we have also released a trailer which we hope gives a flavour. All I can ask is that people watch it see how it makes them feel."