Young composers wishing to broaden their horizons away from brass bands can test their talents by applying to become one of 24 writers supported by the critically acclaimed Psappha Ensemble to write for either piano and sitar, or cello and percussion, or flute and harp.
The Psappha Ensemble was founded in 1991 and specialises in the performance of work by living composers and in music of the 20th and 21st centuries.
Its Patron is composer Mark-Anthony Turnage who leads an ethos that supports composers at all stages of their careers, offering a range of opportunities to work with expert musicians as well as a number of online film-based resources including Psappha Kids which supports the music curriculum for 7 to 11 year-olds.
On its website it states that: "Psappha continually seeks to develop new audiences and break fresh ground. Psappha has an extensive and varied repertoire of hundreds of works and a reputation for technical assurance and interpretive flair.
We encourage applications from music creators from different musical genres and we seek to attract applications from candidates that reflect the diverse society in England and the UK."
Two will be solo schemes — for piano and sitar, and two will be a duo scheme — for cello and percussion, and flute and harpPsappha Ensemble
Composing for... schemes
During 2021-22 Psappha will be running four Composing for... schemes. Two will be solo schemes — for piano and sitar, and two will be a duo scheme — for cello and percussion, and flute and harp.
The closing date for applications is Friday 27th August 2021 via Psappha's online application system (link to apply is below).
Find out more
The schemes will support and develop 24 composers who are interested in learning more about writing for the instruments included in this year's programme.
To find out more go to: