4BR has been informed that the fledgling BandiauPres Cymru/Brass Bands Wales organisation continues to make firm progress in its aim to establish an organisation that can fully represent the interests of the Welsh brass band movement.
It is understood that further developments have been made with the required organisational structures, whilst with a view to keeping Welsh banding at all levels informed of news and developments affecting brass bands such as Covid-19 requirements the elected steering group has unveiled its corporate image.
Fare and passion
It has been designed by Swansea-based Richard Dwyer of Lovely Stuff Studio, with the modern branding representing, in Richard's words, "the dragon's fire and passion with the three lines depicting togetherness in a modern, contemporary Wales".
This logo and branding will now be incorporated into the organisation's Facebook and Twitter accounts, with a website and additional Instagram and YouTube platforms to be launched in the coming weeks.
A spokesperson told 4BR: "The Steering Group is indebted to a small group from the Welsh brass band movement who have kindly donated a sum of money to facilitate these start-up costs.
It will allow the fledgling organisation to engage with future members and promote its activities and services from day one."
The Steering Group is indebted to a small group from the Welsh brass band movement who have kindly donated a sum of money to facilitate these start-up costsBrass Bands Wales
Social media and joining
The Facebook page can be found at: https://www.facebook.com/bpcbbw
Twitter https://twitter.com/bpc_bbw (@bpc_bbw)
Bands and individuals requiring further information regarding joining as members are asked to e-mail: bpc.bbw@gmail.com