Brass Bands England (BBE) has announced that it will be working with leading fundraising platform on an umbrella campaign to raise money for brass bands across the UK as they strive to carry on during the current COVID-19 pandemic.
Save our brass bands
BBE is inviting bands to become part of their 'Save Our Brass Bands' campaign which will be launched in mid November with the aim of helping bands as they battle against huge reductions in income.
A number of bands have already successfully linked to Crowdfunding initiatives which have enabled them to 'sell rewards' (e.g. a backstage tour, a chance to conduct the band or sell CDs) to brass band lovers and supporter in return for a donation.
In certain cases bands can gain extra money through additional charitable match funding.
Crowdfunder has been working with Music Venues Trust on its successful #SaveOurVenues campaign, which has raised more than £2.5 million and helped over 220 venues. The recently launched the #SaveOurTheatres initiative.
Public attention
Alex Parker, BBE Relationship & Partnership Development Manager told 4BR: "This l campaign will bring much needed media and public attention to the brass band community.
Each participating band would have its own dedicated crowdfunding page, but it would also benefit from being part of a wider campaign, giving it more exposure."
He added: "#SaveOurBrassBands will be supported by a national press and social media campaign, with BBE and Crowdfunder helping bands to get the most out of the opportunity.
Crowdfunder will also provide free coaching and fundraising advice to help you tap into your networks and work with your crowd to raise the money you need. The more bands involved in the campaign, the more publicity it will get and the more effective it will be.
It can run alongside any existing fundraising campaigns you have — the best way to do this will be decided in the set-up stage. We can be flexible!"
SaveOurBrassBands will be supported by a national press and social media campaign, with BBE and Crowdfunder helping bands to get the most out of the opportunity
Waive fees
Alex revealed that Crowdfunder has waived all their fees and is covering transaction fees for bands who have been impacted by Covid-19.
Crowdfunder covers their costs from voluntary 'tips' on top of donations rather than taking a percentage from the donation or charging admin costs. 100% of what is raised will go to the band.
Free webinar
Crowdfunder has created a template project to follow and will be hosting a free webinar on 6th October at 7.00pm to give information on how to run a successful campaign.
If you want to join the Save Our Brass Bands campaign, follow the link below to register your interest in attending the free webinar to learn more.