Applications are now open for the 'Cory Online Brass Band Championships 2020', supported by Arts Council Wales.
The world's number 1 ranked band has launched the initiative which will be broadcast over the weekend of the 19th & 20th September.
Bands from all over the world and in all sections from Championship to Fourth are being given the opportunity to produce their own creative entertainment style programmes — with an ethos of making it fun, inclusive and as authentic as possible.
The world's number 1 ranked band has launched the initiative which will be broadcast over the weekend of the 19th & 20th September4BR
Free broadcast
The contest will be broadcast for free, to both competitors and the general public through an easy-to-access platform.
The closing date for expressions of interest to enter is midday on Saturday 4th July 2020.
Cory will notify all bands shortly after this date to confirm places. There is no fee required to enter your band.
Further information:
For further details and more information about the competitions go to: