It has been announced that Berne University of the Arts is organising a Masterclass in Composition & Conducting for Brass Band later this year.
The open Composition Masterclass will be led by Swiss composer Oliver Waespi with Belgian conductor Ivan Meylemans leading the Conducting Masterclass for students at the university. The course will run from 31st August to 4th September.
New works
New works for brass band and chamber groups will be composed, work-shopped and performed live. The works will be presented by the Swiss Army Brass Band led by Philipp Werlen.
4BR was informed that the composer masterclass is aimed at more advanced participants, although there aren't any particular study degree requirements. The course will be organized by Rolf Schumacher, Professor of Wind Ensemble Conducting.
Concert music
Speaking to 4BR, Oliver Waespi said: "The participants are expected to compose new works of between 5 to 8 minutes which haven't been publicly performed yet.
Whilst there aren't any stylistic or aesthetic boundaries, the masterclass is aimed at concert music, not purely entertainment music."
Whilst there aren't any stylistic or aesthetic boundaries, the masterclass is aimed at concert music, not purely entertainment musicOliver Waespi
Composers are invited to apply, with a closing date of 31st July 2020, by submitting existing works in the form of scores and possibly recordings, as well as project ideas and/or sketches for a new work and a résumé of past activities and education (CV)
These should be sent to:
or in printed form to:
Oliver Waespi,
Hochschule der Künste Bern,
Ostermundigenstrasse 103,
CH — 3006 Berne,
Up to 8 candidates will be chosen to take part. The fee for the masterclass is 300 CHF, accommodation, transport and food being at the expense of the participants. The HKB can provide information about affordable accommodation in Berne.
Further information:
Further information will be made available at: ,