The Wantage Silver Band organisation is certainly no stranger to using social media and on-line technology during the current Coronavirus pandemic, with an extensive programme of classes and social links being released every few days.
These have included a weekly Saturday Morning Band (for beginners and trainers), fortnightly Percussion Workshops, Saturday afternoon webinars, Advanced Study videos and WSB Sounds (a weekly podcast style broadcast) in addition to a weekly pilates class, quiz and live music.
Brass on the Grass
The climax of their online activity arrives on Sunday 21st June when they hold their first online concert for their annual 'Brass on the Grass' event featuring all seven of the organisation's bands.
Behind the scenes, all have been working on a piece or two and these will be showcased in a live concert, hosted by Sam Wyne and Jemma Johnsotne, hosts of WSB Sounds, starting at 2.00pm.
Solo competition
On the very same day, the results of their 'Virtual Youth Solo Contest' will be revealed by adjudicator Russell Gray, as he appears as the guest for the evening on WSB Sounds.
And there is still time to get your entry in for it — so if you are 19 or under or know a young brass player who is, then why not enter.
Sam Wyne told 4BR: "At WSB we believe wholeheartedly that youngsters should be given regular opportunities to perform to large audiences — and what bigger audience than that of that on social media!
The closing date is 8.00pm on Sunday 14th June. We will be posting entries from Monday 8th June so keep an eye out on our Facebook and Twitter pages.
At WSB we believe wholeheartedly that youngsters should be given regular opportunities to perform to large audiences — and what bigger audience than that of that on social media!Sam Wyne
Creative ways
Sam added: "Keeping in touch with our players and letting them know they are part of a thriving community during this difficult time, is more important than ever.
It's made us work in creative ways and despite us looking forward to getting back into our band hall to rehearse in person we've had a great time during the past few months with everything moving online!"