The Lewis Merthyr Band from south Wales has led this week's list of band's adding to the self isolation entertainment, as well as thanking those who have kept us safe both now and during that other great challenge to our freedoms, in the Second World War.
Jon together
This evening (Thursday 7th May) at 8.00pm they will be adding to the 'Clap for Carers' initiative with their own somewhat appropriate tune ahead of the VE Day 75 commemorations on Friday.
They will be joined in their performance by New Zealand born soprano Crystel Benton, who sent her video in from the Netherlands, plus additional Ingrid and Ronny Lauten from the Ila Band in Norway.
The band have already received pledges from musicians in Australia, Canada and wider to join them in performance on Thursday night and they hope a few brass players from across the UK and wider banding fraternity might accept the invitation to do so also.
So why not join them for a rousing rendition of 'We'll Meet Again' live on Facebook, YouTube and the band's own website from 7.45pm this Thursday, May 7th4BR
We'll Meet Again
So why not join them for a rousing rendition of 'We'll Meet Again' live on Facebook, YouTube and the band's own website from 7.45pm this Thursday, May 7th.
You can sing along or play the special arrangements of the melody that can be found on the band's website at