Brass Bands England (BBE) has provided its own advice to its member bands in respect to the rapidly evolving Coronavirus pandemic.
In the information given out, they state that as the situation is "fast-moving and the risks of transmission are changing rapidly", the new advice given in the last 24 hours supersedes any previously given by them, with their website updated when appropriate to give further updates and advice.
The statement says:
"In light of the increased risk of viral transmission as a result of fluids resulting from playing a brass instrument, we recommend the postponement of all large events in which people from multiple areas and of all ages come together.
We realise that this is contrary to advice given by the UK Government, but we believe some of the elements of playing brass have some very specific risks of increased transmission, such as emptying water and the total time spent inside venues by audiences over the course of a contest.
We realise this will be distressing and will have far-reaching consequences, but we are here to help our members in any way we can and feel it is important to recognise that these measures are ultimately about preserving lives.
We encourage all event organisers to ensure they can genuinely answer the question, 'can you guarantee public health at your event?'
The consequences are potentially very serious, so we would encourage all participants to support the decisions of event organisers who either postpone or cancel events, including with financial support, as such decisions could have serious impact on their future viability. There is also a significant risk of banding appearing 'out of touch' with the general population if large events carry on whilst many others are being cancelled."
We realise this will be distressing and will have far-reaching consequences, but we are here to help our members in any way we can and feel it is important to recognise that these measures are ultimately about preserving livesBrass Bands England
Source of advice
4BR has sought clarity from Brass Bands England to the source of the advice that they have been given.
They have since stated: "We took advice from Public Health England and asked them specifically about the typical demographic at band contests, the specific activity and the length of time that those attending are typically together.
Their advice was that it is a high-risk activity and they agreed that advising postponement in line with other banding events around the world was the most sensible stance."
It is also understood following national media reports that the UK Government will issue further official guidance concerning the hosting of mass participation events next week.