There is still time for anyone to give their opinion to Brass Bands England on what aspects of contesting they would like to be reviewed or changed.
4BR was informed that such as been the response so far that the closing date has been extended to Monday 16th December.
Better Banding for All
Speaking about the success of the initiative, CEO Kenny Crookston said: "We have had a great response, with so many constructive opinions that will create further debate, and may hopefully lead to potential change and 'Better Banding for All'.
It's been obvious that people feel passionately about brass band contesting and want to see it flourish, but also want to see it reflect the challenges banding as a movement faces as we enter the second decade of the 21st century.
It's been hugely encouraging and we don't want anyone to miss out on having their opinion heard."
It's been obvious that people feel passionately about brass band contesting and want to see it flourishBBE CEO Kenny Crookston
Have your say
To have your questions considered for the process, please send e-mail to
BBE confirmed that all contributions will be treated confidentially and nothing will be specifically attributed to any person or organisation in the resulting survey.