The world's number 1 ranked band is currently showcasing its brand of musical entertainment on their four date tour of the East Coast of the United States of America.
3814 miles
Cory recently set off from their home base in the Rhondda to make the eight hour, 3814 mile trip across the Atlantic Ocean to land at Washington's Dulles Airport.
They have already completed their first two concerts with the Rockville Band and Triangle Brass Bands in Washington DC and Raleigh, and are now heading for their third concert with the James Madison University Band in Harrisonburg before heading back to New York to perform with the New York Staff Band.
To find out more about the band's trip go to:
5981 miles
Meanwhile, Black Dyke is in Japan (5981 miles) where the Queensbury Band has just visited Sapporo and performed at the prestigious Sapporo Cultural Arts Theatre.
The band has already performed to a sell out audience in Osaka and will now head onto Nagoya.
To find out more go to: