The team from Your Logo Here certainly enjoyed their trip to the Butlins Mineworkers Championships in Skegness last weekend — and were celebrating every bit as much as any of the players of the winning bands.
Dawn till dusk
The reason was that their trade stand display was so busy — literally from dawn till dusk, as Development Manager Lloyd Shipp told 4BR.
"As always we had a great time in Skegness,"he said. "This year though was extra special as we were flat out from first thing in the morning until last thing at night meeting our customers and taking record orders for our products."
Booked ahead
He added: "It's great to hear from them what they are up to and how they are looking to be ambitious and innovative with their musical and promotional outlook. Bands know we can help them and know we offer great quality at a fantastic price.
I'm now booked up for the next month travelling to meet the bands in person as part of our free demonstration service. So our thanks go to Butlins and to the bands for making contact. 2018 has already got off to a great start — and I hope we can even more bands enjoy success over the coming year."
It's great to hear from them what they are up to and how they are looking to be ambitious and innovative with their musical and promotional outlook. Bands know we can help them and know we offer great quality at a fantastic priceLloyd Shipp
Find out more
To get in touch with Your Logo Here and find out more about how they can help your band go to: