The 4BR editor has been spending his summer trawling through old newspaper records to find out more about the banding world of 100 years ago, and happened to come across this wonderful story from May 1877.
It rather suggests that brass band contest organisers should be careful who they link up with to promote an event.
1877 report
It comes from a report headlined: 'Extraordinary Scenes at a Brass Band Contest'.
"An extraordinary scone of rowdyism was witnessed on Monday at the Irish Champion Athletic Club Grounds, Lansdowne road, Dublin.
Wrestling matches and a contest between bands had been announced, and there was a large attendance.
The rough element, as at all wrestling contests, greatly preponderated, and very soon after the proceedings began, fighting became general. The roughs were soon largely reinforced by crowds from outside, who gained admission, without payment, by scaling the barriers.
Eventually a raid was made on the refreshment tent, and sandwiches were carried away in armfuls, while everyone helped himself to as much liquor us he pleased.
Singularly enough the tent soon became unsteady, and began swaying to and fro as if it were falling; and this ultimately proved to be the case, for some mischievous persons having slipped the rope of the awning and its supports came down about the heads of the inmates, who by this time, however, consisted only of the waiters, the roughs having made their escape the moment the poles became unsteady.
The waiters were with some trouble rescued unhurt. A series of desperate fights all over the ground ensued, the combatants being maddened with drink.
The several bands had meantime been playing lustily on against the other, and only left off when they were thoroughly tired out. The respectable portion of the spectators of course left the ground as soon as possible, and gradually the roughs became tired and went away, until their number were so reduced that it was practicable to run them out.
The decision in the competition by the bands was postponed."
Those were the days eh…?