The Irvine & Dreghorn Band is certainly exploring just about every possible fund raising avenue to enable them to make the long trip south to compete at the National Finals in Cheltenham in September.
Something different
Not only have four of their golf mad players just completed 75 holes of golf in one day (the equivalent of a British Open Championship plus a few more for good measure), slightly more athletic members will be taking part in a Dragon Boat race this weekend, while more musical ones (or so they say) will be participating in a Karaoke contest early next month.
Great fun
A spokesperson told 4BR: "Colin Stevely, Derek Leitch, Steven Purss and Callum Dukes took on the golf challenge — playing from 4.30am to 10.30pm at Irvine Golf Club Bogside in Irvine.
It was a long day but absolutely great fun. We had lots of support but we were a bit sore the next day.
It will all be well worth it, along with our other fund raising efforts to get us to the stage at Cheltenham though."