The reconvened Annual General Meeting of Brass Bands England (BBE) took place on Sunday 19th October at the organisation’s headquarters in Barnsley, where Sally Coleman, Michael Waterson (Treasurer) and Arnold Tattersfield were confirmed as directors.
Much improved
BBE Chairman Mike Kilroy told 4BR: "Following the cancellation of the first AGM in September, we were delighted to have a much improved turnout this time.
I was also very pleased with the level of engagement in agenda discussions, which included safeguarding young and vulnerable people among the topics."
Future focus
He added: "We will be focussing our efforts in engaging with bands throughout the country in the months ahead, and the forthcoming appointments of an Operations Manager and two additional Liaison Officers will be vital in this regard.
During the past twelve months, the amount of public money for bands in England has increased from around £20,000 to over £300,000, principally due to the work carried out by Rachel Veitch-Straw in engaging with bands and organisations.
By early next year we expect to be up and running with our new structure and look forward to providing enhanced benefits of membership and easier access to the services of BBE for bands and organisationsMike Kilroy
Easier access
Mike concluded: "By early next year we expect to be up and running with our new structure and look forward to providing enhanced benefits of membership and easier access to the services of BBE for bands and organisations throughout the length and breadth of England."