Although Trevada Music will not be trading at the Royal Albert Hall this weekend, the company will certainly be enjoying the day — listening for change from the comfort of their own box!
A spokesperson told 4BR: "Trevada probably attends more events than most other companies, but this is the one opportunity we have to sit in comfort and enjoy essentially what our business is all about — people making wonderful music!"
However, it will not be all relaxation though, as Leonard Adams and the gang will also be out and about meeting old and new friends.
"The Albert Hall is a brilliant place to bump into people, enjoy the atmosphere, the music, and talk about all things brass bands."
this is the one opportunity we have to sit in comfort and enjoy essentially what our business is all about — people making wonderful music!Trevada
Say hello
So if you see Trevada about why not come along and say hello: You are assured of a warm welcome and the chance to enjoy one of the great days in the brass band calendar without trying to listen to a band through closed doors.