There isn’t much time left now if you wish to get your entry in for the 2015 Butlins Mineworkers Festival in Skegness.
Excellent response
Contest Administrator Brian Eggleshaw has told 4BR that once again there has been an excellent response from bands, thanks to the attraction of great prize money, excellent test pieces and family entertainment, although he is keen to point out that bands only have until October 4th to get in touch.
There are still some spaces for entries in the Second, Third and Fourth Sections, whilst any bands or groups that wish to enter the Youth and Ensemble Contests should also contact him as soon as possible.
There are still some spaces for entries in the Second, Third and Fourth Sections, whilst any bands or groups that wish to enter the Youth and Ensemble Contests should also contact him as soon as possible4BR
All that and accommodation reservations are being booked up quickly, so don’t delay.
Brian Eggleshaw,
Contest Administrator
27, Dutton Avenue,
PE25 2HR.
Tel:- 01754 — 450911
Mob:- 07584411868
For booking accommodation information: 0845 070 4747
or visit: