Final touches are now being put to the forthcoming Bolsover Summer School, which will commence between Tuesday 23rd and Sunday 28th July at the Heritage High School in Clowne.
Course leaders
The course will be led by Mark Wilkinson and Glyn Williams who will also act as tutors along with fellow Foden's players Helen Williams, John Barber, Mark Landon and Stewart Baglin.
Training Day
An unique feature of the course will be the inclusion of a separate Junior Training Day led by Mark Bousie on Thursday 25th July and a Brass for Beginners Day for 4 to 9 year olds on Friday 26th July 2013.
As well as full rehearsals there will be sectional rehearsals, one to one tuition, master classes, tutors concert, delegate’s concert, classes in performance/improvisation/conducting, as well as a talk from the featured composer Paul Sharman who has been commissioned to compose a work especially for the course entitled ‘Inclusion’.
The course will include two outdoor concerts at tourist attractions Hardwick Hall and Creswell Crags and conclude with a concert at Heritage High School on Sunday 28th July commencing at 6.45pm featuring soloists Mark Wilkinson, Glyn Williams and Helen Williams.
Admission is £3 concessions £2 and can be paid on the door
The rehearsal facilities, hotel accommodation and tutors are all first class which should result in a great week of enjoymentMark Wilkinson
Looking forward
Mark Wilkinson told 4BR: "All the tutors are looking forward to the summer school and to build on last year’s enjoyable course.
When putting together the schedule for the week we have looked at music that will challenge players of all levels and ages as well as introducing various classes and trips to make the course both musical and sociably rewarding.
The rehearsal facilities, hotel accommodation and tutors are all first class which should result in a great week of enjoyment."
Anyone interested in registering for the course can obtain information from the below link.