Composer Simon Dobson has taken the opportunity to thank the many backers that have pledged support for his ground breaking #Euneirophrenia recording project, which is now two thirds of the way to gaining full financing.
He told 4BR: "A huge thank you to all my backers so far! We're not quite past the finish line yet though. Over 100 people have backed my #Euneirophrenia recording project and plans are starting to swing into motion regarding the massive task of bringing this record together!"
10 days to go
He added: "The project is now 67% funded, but with a mere 10 days to go we might be very, very close to reaching the initial target."
If anyone is interested in backing the project, please go to:
The project is now 67% funded, but with a mere 10 days to go we might be very, very close to reaching the initial targetSimon Dobson
World backing
Simon concluded: "Backing has come in from all over the world.... and I intend to make the most interesting record I can for you all!"