The organisers of the British Open Championships have revealed that they will be undertaking a new registration procedure.
It is hoped that the new system will also initiate a much more open debate over registration issues for the Spring Festival and British Open Contests, with the aim of eventually stopping confusion over the eligibility of players taking part in both events.
In this respect, conductors, Band Managers, bandsmen, contest organisers and other interested parties are asked to contact Frank Hodges at the contact address and details below.
A spokesperson told 4BR: "We apologise for any uncertainty and confusion caused to the bands that support our contests.
It is a matter of regret that the confusion following the breakdown of the central registration system has caused uncertainty and inconvenience. Consequently, the British Open and Spring Festival will, until further notice, implement the following procedure."
Player eligibility
In order to register your players with us for all British Open Contests, individual player’s details must be entered correctly on the player information sheet provided.
The sheet should be returned to the contest controller at least one week before the date of the contest. Any subsequent amendments, can be made prior to and on the day of the contest.
For the purpose of the contest, the Contest Controller will agree directly with each band the legitimacy within the contest rules of all individual participants entered onto the player information sheet.
On the contest day, each player is kindly required to bring with them a form of personal identification (driving licence or other form of photographic identification. Third party registration cards are acceptable as a means of personal identification only).
We wish to thank everyone for their understanding and co-operation.
The above replaces British Open rules 3, 10, 10a, 10b and 11 until further notice and any other notifications.
The organisers of the British Open welcome any constructive suggestions which will always be considered."
the Contest Controller will agree directly with each band the legitimacy within the contest rules of all individual participants entered onto the player information sheetorganisers
Frank Hodges, 39 Broxton Avenue, Orrell, Wigan, WN5 8NP
Telephone 01942 703217 Mobile 07930 562 768