The Butlins Mineworkers Championship has announced the list of works that will be used as the test pieces at the 2014 Festival in Skegness.
Robert Simpson’s iconic ‘Energy’, first used as the set work for the 1971 World Championship will provide the stern test for the top section contenders. The work was subsequently used at the British Open in 1980 and again at the National Finals in 1991.
Meanwhile, Paul Lovatt-Cooper’s three-movement, ‘Vitae Aeternum’, written in 2007 for Black Dyke, and never before used as a set work test piece, will be a more modern test of melodic discipline for the First Section.
One of the great classics of historic banding repertoire, ‘Kenilworth’ by Arthur Bliss, written for the 1936 National Championships of Great Britain, will prove to be an enjoyable hurdle to overcome for the Second Section contenders.
Robert Simpson’s iconic ‘Energy’, first used as the set work for the 1971 World Championship will provide the stern test for the top section contenders4BR
Philip Sparke’s appropriately entitled, ‘Music for a Festival’, used a the set work for the last CISWO Third Section event held at Blackpool in 2002, will test the Third Section contenders.
The Fourth Section competitors also have the opportunity to showcase their musical understanding of the Cornish Saints of Petroc, Breward and Manfreda, in Goff Richard’s colourful 1988 Third Section Regional test piece, ‘Three Saints’.