John Packer Ltd will be at the British Open at Symphony Hall this weekend with plenty of fantastic new products on display.
John Packer has established a reputation for innovation, following collaborations with Dr Richard Smith of Smith-Watkins, Michael Rath Trombones and Sterling Musical Instruments.
New line
And now, the new line of JPSterling lower brass instruments will be available to try out at on on our exhibition stand with Sterling's Paul Riggett in attendance along with his own Sterling brand of instruments.
This will be the first opportunity to try out the new JP374Sterling Euphonium and prototype JP377Sterling EEb BassJohn Packer Ltd
First opportunity
This will be the first opportunity to try out the new JP374Sterling Euphonium and prototype JP377Sterling EEb Bass.
Instruments designed by JPRath and the famous modular Rath trombones, JPSmith-Watkins and the prossional range of Smith-Watkins instruments will also be on display for customers to try.
Feel free
Feel free to come along and see our friendly staff, who can help with any musical enquiry – beginner, professional, or school queries welcome.
If you would like us to take anything in particular from our shop we will do our best to accommodate. Please contact or call 01823 282386 to arrange beforehand.
Look forward to seeing lots of customers there!