
Butlins reminder

Butlins announce a reminder to all bands who wish to make the trip to Skegness in 2012.


Butlins Resort Skegness wish to inform all bands who competed in the 2011 Butlins Mineworkers Festival, that entry forms and contest information for the 2012 Festival are currently being sent to the addresses held on file.


Any other bands, including Youth and Junior Ensemble sections, are welcome to request an entry form for the 2012 Festival from the Butlins Contest Administrator Brian Eggleshaw.

Time and dates

The Festival will take place at Butlins Skegness from Friday 20th — Monday 23rd January 2012.

All five sections compete on Saturday 21st January playing their set test piece, culminating with the Awards Ceremony on Saturday evening.

The Championship Section Entertainment contest takes place in Centre Stage on Sunday 22nd January for guests resident on Resort, whilst the Youth Festival and Junior Ensemble entertains in Reds.

With another bumper entry anticipated, bands are urged to get their entries in as soon as possible. We will try our very best to try and accommodate everyone, but the sooner you contact us the betterBrian Eggleshaw

Family break

Steve Walker told 4BR: "Many band members enjoy combining a short family break whilst participating in the competition.

The weekend features live performances from well known brass stars and in 2012 we are proud to have the Syd Lawrence Orchestra headlining on (Saturday 21st) and the Grimethorpe All Star Reunion Band, conducted by Ray Farr & Frank Renton (Sunday 22nd), with the added bonus of the great facilities and attractions for which Butlins is so famous."

Bumper entry

Contest Administrator Brian Eggleshaw added: "With another bumper entry anticipated, bands are urged to get their entries in as soon as possible. We will try our very best to try and accommodate everyone, but the sooner you contact us the better.

Championship Sections Bands are reminded that as this is an invitational event it is imperative that they register their interest as soon as possible."


Bands wishing to compete should contact Brian as follows:

Brian Eggleshaw
59, Cardale Road
NG19 7RW

Tel: 01623 478454
Mob: 07976521080
E-mail: bj-egg@ntlworld.com.

Find out more:

To find out more and to book your three night break please call the Butlins Advisors on 0845 070 4751.

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Dr Brett Baker

BSc (Hons), ARCM, PG Dip
Marketing Lead, Denis Wick & Alliance Products; Artist at Michael Rath Instruments


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