Hercules was initially registered as a trademark in 1995, and since then it has risen to become one of the top selling brands in the UK market.
The company is dedicated to developing the best possible products for its customers and achieves this largely by working with top players, then analysing technical feedback and developing new ideas.
The first brass band to work with Hercules was the NASUWT Riverside Band.
Hercules UK Product Manger, Robin Crocker, told 4BR: "Through Tony Thompson, the Band Manager, this link has proved to be invaluable and was the real start to the Hercules success story in the UK. Hercules has been very proudly associated with this hard working, professional and popular band for four years now and long may this association continue."
Cory connection
Three years ago Hercules developed a partnership with the all conquering Cory Band.
Robin added: "Cory band needs no introduction having won so many honours at the very highest level it would take most of the space allocated to this article just to list them!
A special word of thanks goes to Austin Davis, the President of Cory band, who has taken time to meet with staff from Hercules on several occasions in order to put forward invaluable comments and technical ideas."
With three top bands now helping with ideas and product development in the UK, its no wonder the future is looking very bright for HerculesHercules Stands
New Foden's partnership
Hercules can now announce a new partnership with Foden’s Band.
Robin explained: "One of the very top names in brass banding with a rich tradition stretching well over one hundred years at the highest level, Foden’s is very highly respected and this exciting new partnership can only further enhance the development and reputation of Hercules stands.
It’s another excellent step in the right direction for the brand and a good, positive move for the Foden’s Band."
Top bands
With three top bands now helping with ideas and product development in the UK, its no wonder the future is looking very bright for Hercules.
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