In preparation for his 50th birthday in August, conductor and adjudicator Chris Wormald has told 4BR that he has lost a remarkable 6 stone in weight in just 9 months – surpassing his initial ambitious target.
Time to change
Chris told 4BR: "Last June I weighed over 19 stone, the heaviest of my life. I decided this had to change, so used my milestone birthday as the incentive. I never thought I could lose so much weight without a special diet or exercise."
Last June I weighed over 19 stone, the heaviest of my life. I decided this had to change, so used my milestone birthday as the incentiveChris Wormald
Tip top for tour
Now down to just over 13 stone, Chris added: "My eldest daughter goes to university this year so I want this Summer’s holiday to be the best, and when Smithills tour America again in 2012 I want the situation to be the same."
The secret however has been simple — Chris says he has simply given up all snacking, although the hardest part was not eating anything after 7.00pm.