4BR has been informed that arrangements are now being put in place for the second running of the ‘Wainstones Cup’ competition, which is funded from the Doctor Martin Trust.
The trust was set up in 2008 from the generous proceeds of Dr I.C.A. Martin’s bequest to Darlington’s, Cockerton Prize Silver Band.
Date change
Disappointingly, the inaugural contest in 2010 saw only four Championship Section bands enter, so a complete re-think has resulted in a new venue and a date which the organizers believe offers greater opportunity to attract the calibre of band the contest originally envisaged.
World class
Dr Martin, an eminent consultant psychiatrist and brass band aficionado (although not a musician himself) expressed a wish, as part of his will, to establish what would amount to a ‘world class’ championship for brass bands based in or around Darlington.
New date
Trustees of the charity have settled upon Sunday 11th September, at Middlesbrough Town Hall.
Given last year’s poor entry organisers are more relaxed about entries for the 2011 contest.
Prize money is maintained at £4,000 for the winning band, £2,000 for second and £1,000 for third4BR
Entries are now open to all Championship Section Bands and will close on Sunday 15th May. Entries will only be accepted upon receipt of a non-refundable entry fee of £150. (All bands that perform on the day will receive a £300 appearance fee).
Highly ranked First Section bands that wish to express an interest in competing may do so and will be considered for entry should the number of Championship Section Bands fail to reach the contest entry limit of 15 bands.
More information
Prize money is maintained at £4,000 for the winning band, £2,000 for second and £1,000 for third.
Contest, programme and trophy details can be found on the contest website where entry information can also be found: http://www.doctormartintrust.com