The Roberts Bakery Band has paid tribute to Tim Sage, their star third cornet player of 30 years, who has taken a break from the band following their recent victory in the First Section at the North West Regional Championships.
Special presentations
In a special presentation before their win was announced in Blackpool Regional Secretary Peter Bates joked that 30 years under Colin Cranson, Roberts Bakery's conductor since 1972, made the achievement even more remarkable!
Colin paid his own tribute to a model bandsman and told 4BR: "I've said to Dr. Childs, Tim is that good he could play third cornet for you at Black Dyke. We hope he'll consider coming to Germany with us in September as a thank you for all his hard work with the band."
Tim was given a photograph album charting his many memories with the band, and in a private presentation the MD himself presented him with his band cornet as a keepsake.
He remained on 'Bass Cornet' as he called it throughout his Roberts Bakery Band career, aiding the development of several generations of young playersTom Hancock
Band spokesman Tom Hancock added: "Such was Tim's commitment he would only miss two rehearsals a year to holiday in the Lake District, and while the common perception is that third cornet players are not good enough to play in a higher position — this was not true for Tim.
He added: "He remained on 'Bass Cornet' as he called it throughout his Roberts Bakery Band career, aiding the development of several generations of young players, many of whom have gone on to play in principal seats in some of the very best bands in the country. Few will forget Tim's contribution to their early years of banding."