he National Band Council of Australia (NBCA) convened in Melbourne last weekend to discuss specific issues related to the future conduct and organization of the Australian National Band Championships and the forward direction of banding throughout Australia.
Two new State councillors, Annette Ries (President of the Queensland Band Association) and Patricia Keep (Treasurer of the South Australian Band Association and Chair of the SABA Organizing Committee for the 2011 Nationals) were welcomed to the NBCA.
The conference agenda focused discussion across a wide range of issues including the uniform registration of players in all state associations, the on-stage contest program at the National Championships, time limits of major works, the use of test pieces for band and solo section, the Parade of Bands, and the impact of key logistic and financial aspects on organizing state associations.
In addition, issues beyond the scope of the National Championships were discussed including NBCA strategic and operational planning, marketing, policy making, the role of the NBCA Music Consultative Committee, NBCA liaison with state bodies, and the profile of banding with audiences, sponsors, and the various froms of media.
The President of the NBCA, Kevin Cameron, has released the following statement:
"Last weekend’s very successful NBCA Conference was a positive and affirming development for banding in Australia. The National Councillors, state association observers, and members of the NBCA Executive approached the discussions with mutual goodwill and a common desire to achieve the best outcomes for banding. I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge and thank my NBCA colleagues for their involvement, the sharing of their broad skills and experience, and their valuable guidance."
"Much discussion and debate focused on the need to develop a consistent approach to registration across all state associations so that all bands attending the National Championships will meet each other within parameters of fairness, consistency, and transparency."
A new set of draft registration by-laws was created and these will be released shortly for wider consideration.Dr Kevin Cameron, NBCA President.
"A new set of draft registration by-laws was created and these will be released shortly for wider consideration. It is my hope that state associations will discuss the implications of these new rules with their people with a view to us having a consistent approach to registration in place before the 2011 National Championships."
"The Minutes of the Conference will be posted on the NBCA website before Christmas. In all, a total of 50 separate issues were discussed and suggested ways forward determined. These recommendations will be discussed by state associations in the first part of next year with a view to achieving consensus at the next NBCA Conference scheduled for July 2010."
"Now that the NBCA, in collaboration with the state associations, has suggested the way forward we must ensure that our people are aware of the issues and the rationale for change. Although change is often difficult and uncomfortable, we must embrace developments that sustain and develop the potentia and good health of our movement into the future. We must move forward together."
"I encourage those interested in the forward progression of banding to read the Plenary Paper for this conference (widely available from the state associations), watch for additional information as it becomes available, and ensure that each band sends delegates to any meetings convened to discuss the recommendations that have resulted from the conference discussions."
"I commend this successful NBCA initiative to our banding movement and look forward to positive debate and fruitful outcomes."
Contact for comment: NBCA President Kevin Cameron: 0419 496894, president @nbca.asn.au
NBCA Executive Officer Allen Woodham, executiveofficer@nbca.asn.au