Editorial ~ 2006 December
1-Dec-2006This month we congratulate the BBANZ on its grant success and consider Australia's position; we submit our Christmas wishlist to Santa; and deliver a brief Christmas message.
Congratulations BBANZ
The Brass Bands Association of New Zealand has just announced its success in securing grant funding from Creative New Zealand to the value of NZ$26000 for two projects to be completed in 2007. The projects are a New Zealand Education Tour by David Bremner and other tutors and commissions for new works from Kenneth Young and Dwayne Bloomfield for the National Band.
As well, CNZ Funding from a previous grant round will now be used to enable Nigel Boddice, Chief Adjudicator of the 2007 Championships to present five workshops on conducting skills in various districts after the North Shore contest.
Further, newly elected BBANZ President, Dianne Smeehuyzen in her message to bands in this months New Zealand Mouthpiece states, "We now have a National Band program in place. This takes us through to 2009 and we as a committee need to look at what we plan to do after 2009 because I believe it is essential that the young people we have in NSSBB (National Secondary Schools Brass Band) and NYBB (National Youth Brass Band) have something to aspire to. Of course, in doing all of this, finance is always the major issue: it is imperative that these 3 entities namely NYBB, NB and NSSBB are self sufficient with their funding. We mostly rely on a number of sponsors (thank you for your support) and gaming charities in order to keep these three entities operating."
This kind of forward planning and thinking is necessary to ensure the sustainability of brass bands. The situation in Australia, as many will argue, is different in that the National Body, the NBCA, has no power and that the control lies solely with the individual State bodies. As a nation, however, should the goal be to unite, at least in terms of the direction we want brass banding to go? What about a National Youth Band? An Education Officer? And possibly, dare it be mentioned AGAIN…a National Band?
Whilst funding has been more difficult to obtain by bands for competition purposes, as the BBANZ realised when raising funds for the 2005 New Zealand National Band tour to the World Championships, funding for other purposes such as education and training, especially in the youth sector, is readily available from Federal, State and Local Government grant schemes. Several bands have also had individual success at securing funding for recording and producing their own CD – which, in turn, can be a great fundraiser. It would appear that there is very little pro-active activity from the National body to source this type funding for National projects. Sure, the NBCA recently secured a grant for a commission of a major work – terrific, but there is so much more which could be achieved.
Some States do take advantage of available funding and at the very least, submit applications for various projects. For example, Queensland was awarded funding towards the venue hire at the 2006 National Championships, similarly in New South Wales for its State Championships. However, from a National perspective are we doing all that we can? New Zealand appears to be setting a great lead.
The minutes have been released of the 2006 NBCA Annual Conference. Hopes for a National Band have been raised as a discussion Paper on World Brass Band Championships 2009 was presented by Bruce Raymond and Brian Dodds. The minutes state, "Resolved that Bruce Raymond and Brian Dodds to review this proposal and submit recommendations to continue or not by the 30.9.06." 30 September – that was 2 months ago. We await the outcome with huge interest.
What do you think?
Send an email to: du.comments@4barsrest.com
Christmas Wish List
Following the lead of our esteemed ‘co-boss' at 4BR, Mr Iwan Fox, 4BRDU have put together its own Xmas wish list for Downunder:
1. A stronger push towards one set of consistent rules across all states, with a focus on analyzing each of the states rules to determine what is best for banding as whole and not just focus on adopting those from one state for convenience.
We would have to say that Queensland have been the most progressive of the states, demonstrated by its rewrite of the constitution abolishing the delegate system (which still exists in NSW and has slowed down the reform process in this state); extensive review of its By-Laws; and change in the registration rules concerning players and conductors to be less restrictive, to name just a few.
2. A move towards the use of a panel of adjudicators for our major contests, and a more careful and considered approach to the appointment of these adjudicators. The implementation of a set of adjudication standards and guidelines similar to the UK could be helpful. Little steps, though.
3. MORE MONEY…for bands. Wouldn't it be great to see an increase in corporate sponsorship?
4. The best possible conditions for all of our events - venue, adjudicators, music selection, public attention, band participation, logistical organization….well, everything really.
5. A National Youth program together with a Director of Education be put in place. New Zealand have the right idea.
6. Greater acceptance by bands of the use of international players and conductors, and for more bands to embrace the concept and actually engage the services of overseas personnel keen to experience downunder.
7. For Victorian bands and the VBL to stop fighting amongst themselves. But hang on, why limit this wish to Victoria…
8. No less than 1000 people at every brass band concert/event.
9. A satellite dish for 4BRDU. We then won't have any excuse not to give optimum coverage for ALL bands. How about it, Anthony? If anyone can do it, you can!
10. Australia to win the Ashes. (…sorry Alex and Howard – what was that you said?)
What do you think?
Send an email to: du.comments@4barsrest.com
Christmas Message
After four months at the helm of 4BRDU we would like to take a moment to thank our readers for their warm welcome and wonderful support. Many of you have gone out of your way to offer words of encouragement and appreciation, help with news and contest coverage, to advertise, and of course – to shop! Thank you to all!
Also, thank you to Chris and Veronica Bowman for the part that they played in establishing 4barsrest Downunder. We certainly fully appreciate the effort involved in the 18 months you spent working on the site.
A special thanks to Anthony Banwell, co-director of 4barsrest and IT wizard, who spends an enormous number of hours behind the scenes on the framework of this site, and to Iwan Fox – for his literary genius and inspirational writings.
On reflection, we (in the collective sense) are perhaps all guilty at some time or another for not recognizing or appreciating the efforts of others. Even though it may seem at times that we are being overly critical of things, the intentions are good – we want what is best for brass banding.
Sometimes it is easily forgotten that brass banding is our hobby and that we are supposed to enjoy it – after all, we surely aren't in it for the money! We must all keep in mind that most of us involved in the movement are doing the best that we possibly can (if we aren't then we should be!) in whatever position we hold - whether it be as a player, a conductor, administrator, or adjudicator.
Peace and goodwill.
What do you think?
Send an email to: du.comments@4barsrest.com