Editorial ~ 2006 September


This month we look at the scheduling and test music for the 2007 Australian Nationals, and briefly consider the existance of both brass and concert bands under the same association umbrella.

2007 Australian National Band Championships

The test music for this contest has been announced, along with the schedule of events - bang on the due date.  Could this be an early indication that the organisation and efficiency of next years Championships is looking good?

The music choices present some exciting prospects for many bands and soloists, with quite a few new and established works by composers at the forefront of their profession. The music selection board has done well in this regard. However, more often than not, there is always one or two choices out of left field.  This year is no different.  Leonie by Helen Johnston has been chosen for the Open BBb Bass.  What were they thinking?  I remember playing this in the U12 cornet section way back in the dark ages!  I doubt too many BBb tuba players are happy with this one.  The soprano cornet players will be challenged to say the least.  Masquerade (Philip Sparke) is a great piece - for tenor horn.  The toughest of soppie players out there will need to crank up the gym work for this one if they are going to make it to the end AND get all of the notes.  A true test I hear you say?  Maybe.

Several problems and issues concerning the scheduling of events have been faced by the Nationals committee.  Problems such as venue availability and the timing of solos and junior band events have meant some major reshuffling.  We are now left with Junior brass bands being the only bands to perform on Good Friday, with the rest of the grades playing on Saturday and Sunday.  Recent years have seen all brass band events over by Saturday evening leaving them to travel home or onwards on Sunday.  Now many will still need to arrive on Wednesday if they are performing in solos and not leave until Monday, resulting in an extra day 'off' on Friday whilst they wait for their band to arrive (for some) and an extra day of expense.  For others, previously bands needed to arrive on Thursday in preparation for a Friday performance, and the associated hassle of getting time of work or school.  They now won't need to be in Melbourne until Friday - thus for many the timing is perhaps better.  Seems to be a case of 'you can't please everybody all of the time'.

The Gala Concert is scheduled for Sunday evening after the A, B, C and D grade Stage march and Own Choice.  Timing is going to need to be spot on in order for the Gala Concert to happen as scheduled.  No doubt the Nationals Contest committee have got this well in hand. I feel for those bands who are performing in the Gala Concert - what a huge day for them with a Stage March, an Own Choice, warm-up and rehearsal sessions.  At least maybe this time, there will be more bands still 'in town' to come and support the evening concert.

With two of the original 2007 Nationals Committee having already resigned their positions, lets hope all goes well for the remaining members of the contest committee, and the VBL.  The lessons learnt from Geelong in 2002, as well as drawing from observations, experiences and feedback on the organisational structure at recent National contests, are surely being well considered.

What do you think?
Send an email to:  du.comments@4barsrest.com

Concert Bands together with Brass Bands

In Australia we have Band Associations which exist to cater for the needs of both brass and concert bands.  Are we doing this?  In many instances, concert bands are somewhat neglected with the bulk of association resources channelled towards brass bands.

Is it time for a change?  Do the associations really have the money and the man power to service both well? Or do we need to keep the concert bands because their subscription money keeps the bank balance looking good?

What do you think?
Send an email to:  du.comments@4barsrest.com