Ryan Watkins, principal trombonist of the current National champions Brighouse & Rastrick, has been declared the 2012 British Trombone Society ‘Young Trombonist of the Year’.
Ryan, who is currently studying in his second year at the RNCM in Manchester, told 4BR: "I’m absolutely stunned that I was even nominated. 2012 has been a very busy year and this award has been an amazing bonus.
The department at the RNCM are outstanding, and I couldn't have done it without my colleagues, the guidance of Simon Cowen, Adrian Morris and the extra tuition from David King."
Expand diary
He continued: "I will now be able to expand my diary and begin performing in some guest solo work with bands.
Unfortunately I couldn’t collect the award this weekend as I was abroad with Brighouse, although I look forward to performing at the next BTS Day with the RNCM Choir on the 1st December in Crewe!"
The department at the RNCM are outstanding, and I couldn't have done it without my colleagues, the guidance of Simon Cowen, Adrian Morris and the extra tuition from David KingRyan Watkins
Bousfield, Price and Legge
Other recipients saw the ‘Trombone Player of the Year’ award go to the internationally renowned trombone virtuoso Ian Bousfield, whilst the ‘Outstanding Contribution’ award went to Kevin Price, who recently spearheaded the critically acclaimed ‘Superbrass’ CD recordings.
The ‘Teacher of the Year’ was awarded to Steve Legge who has made such a huge impact at Gloucestershire Music Services.