Nationals Championship of Great Britain 2003
Royal Albert Hall, London
David Read, William Relton and Geoffrey Whitham
Test piece:
Theme and Eight Variations from the Enigma (Opus36), Edward Elgar
arr. Eric Ball
Post match coverage:
'Pre-match' Coverage:
Live from London's Royal Albert Hall -
Follow the days events here on 4BR. Draw, comments and full
results as they happen.
Introduction to the 2003 Nationals Finals - more...
Brief intro to this year's event and our usual dodgy
Runners and riders - more...
Full band by band analysis
The Track Record: The Conductors -
Certain conductors seem to fancy certain contests,
but all conductors want to be able to say that they have won
the National Championships. Find out how each has performed
over the years
Test Piece review - more...
Theme and Eight Variations from the Enigma (Opus36),
Edward Elgar arr. Eric Ball
The adjudicators - more...
David Read, William Relton and Geoffrey Whitham
104 Useless facts and figures -
Updated our useless facts and figures
The Luck of the Draw: 1968 - 2002 -
Does your draw determine the result? Check out this
article where we anaylse the placings of bands and their draw
Nationals 2002 in retrospect - more...
Retrospective look at the 2002 contest - where was
it won and lost?
Nationals results archive -
Results from 1900 - now with results summary
WIN A CORNET - more... have teamed up with Normans to give away a brand
new Yamaha Maestro cornet YCR633SH worth £1,400*.
10 Greatest Winning Performances -
The 10 Greatest Winning Performances at the Nationals. Printed
in the run-up to the 2001 championships.
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