National Finals 2002:
Championship Section
In retrospect:
Fairey Magic wins the day

Morgan Griffiths and Ian Porthouse
Class told in the end. In one of the most exciting contests of
recent years, Williams Fairey under the baton of Allan Withington
took the title of Champion Band of Great Britain 2002, with a performance
of Philip Wilby’s “Masquerade” that was simply
brilliant in it’s execution and portrayal. On a day when there
were perhaps four perfomances that could justifiably lay claim to
have been worthy of winning the title, the Stockport based band
just had that extra bit of consummate control and panache to register
their 8th win in total at the Royal Albert Hall and their first
win here since 1993. Theirs was a breathtaking win.
Behind them came a group of bands that must have felt that they
could have done no more in their attempts to be crowned champions,
and for us at 4BR, the performances of BAYV Cory, YBS and especially
Fodens Richardson will live in the memory banks for a long time
to come. Not that they came home in the order we thought though...
Our team was split over the result – as was the Hall by the
sounds of the moans and groans that emanated from the auditorium
when Fodens were announced as coming fourth. We felt it was a going
to be between either Williams Fairey or Fodens Richardson with BAYV
Cory and YBS in very close attendance. There were also mentions
for Black Dyke and Brighouse and Rastrick, but it was the two North
West representatives who really just poked their chests out far
enough at the finishing tape to battle it out for the ultimate honour.
Not so the judges and they went for Williams Fairey, with BAYV
Cory runners up, Black Dyke third and Fodens Richardson fourth.
Behind them came the two performances from Brighouse and Rastrick
and YBS. It was a top six that just about everyone in the hall would
have agreed with – but to misquote Eric Morecombe with Andre
Previn, “not necessarily in the right order”. It capped
a quite brilliant day of brass band contesting with a further touch
of controversy for the supporters and fans to chew over as they
made their way back to their hotels and down to the Queen’s
Mews for a pint of London Pride.
The day started in cracking fashion with Brighouse and Rastrick
giving a blistering show off the number one draw that was full of
quality right from the word go. No more Major who? Ian McElligott
has got the boys from Briggus playing with a maturity and sense
of composure that was last heard in the very best of days under
Allan Withington, and his easy eloquent direction brought out the
best in his players. Theirs was as good a number one performance
you could have asked for and we thought it was the marker for the
day. 5th place was a superb achievement and we hope the band takes
the opportunity to keep this partnership together – it could
well prosper into something very special.
SWT Woodfalls and EYMS had the cruel luck to be drawn numbers two
and three and although both gave as good as they could, they were
a class or two below the opener and as the day went on their performances
were relegated to the bottom of the field. Both had their moments,
but overall they found the music a very hard baptism and perhaps
just beyond them on this occasion. They are good bands, but too
many basic individual errors at this level costs dearly and 18th
and 20th respectively were an accurate return on the day. They will
return back home the stronger for the experience though.
And so to Black Dyke. Just when they may have thought that the
curse of the early draw was behind them, their man at the draw plucked
out the number 4 from the old onion bag. You can bet he didn’t
enjoy going back to the bus to tell the band the bad news. In the
event they put in a very fine performance indeed, just marred by
one too many little individual errors that detracted from the overall
picture. The quiet playing though was superb and the last section
was at times technically stupefying, but the little blips and blobs
were costly in the extreme. We had them down as sixth behind Brighouse,
but the judges placed them third – a fine and honourable defence
of their crown, but not enough to retain it.
Unlike the Open, when there seemed to be a massed evacuation every
time a “non named” band came to play, the hall remained
refreshingly half to two thirds full for the “lesser lights”
throughout the day - although it must be said, the hall was never
full at any point. The years when stories could be told of the old
hall being full to bursting are now just stories, for in 2002 (and
for the past few years at least) the contest has not sold out (whatever
the promoters may say). The test piece certainly helped, but there
is still a disturbing trend of reducing numbers.
Still, both Besses O’ th’ Barn and Leyland gave worthy
accounts of themselves, although both would be perhaps a touch disappointed
with their overall final placings. Besses were safe, but never really
felt as if they were in complete control of the piece. Lynda Nicholson
once more gave her band the chance to shine in the right places,
and for the most part it came off. This is a young band that has
made plenty of progress in 2002 and so they should be well pleased
by their efforts. Leyland will go back home a little more deflated
as Garry Cutt gave a no nonsense reading and the players responded
in kind. Perhaps a bit flat overall, but it did give the audience
the chance to appreciate the talents of Riki McDonnell, who picked
up the well-deserved award of International Euphonium Player of
the Year 2002. This is a fine player and one who has been a great
ambassador for his country over the years, so we hope he enjoys
the accolade.
Camborne followed and found the work a bit hard going if truth
be told right from the start. It never got going, although the euph
did a sterling job. The dynamic contrasts were lacking for us and
possibly the judges and they had to be content with 19th place –
the same as last year.
Ever Ready and Ray Farr brought things up to scratch though and
even though there plenty of little errors that cost them in places,
the overall picture was well constructed and Ray Farr kept a tight
rein on things from start to finish. They were tired at the end
after a fair old work out and 9th place was a fine return for their
efforts. They seem a band moving on an upward curve.
Eight down then, and for us, Brighouse were leading the field from
the number one spot with Black Dyke a very close second. That all
changed with BAYV Cory though. Robert Childs and his band built
a hugely impressive edifice of a performance – one that had
just the tiniest of cracks in the superstructure, but whose foundations
had the stamp of authoritative class about them. David Childs stood
in front of the band to deliver a cadenza of virtuoso aplomb and
the last section of playing was at times breathtaking. If the performance
did have an Achilles heel it was at the beginning when a few individual
errors smeared an almost perfect musical picture. It was impressive
stuff – a superb performance as we noted at the time, and
one that reminded ourselves that as we mentioned in our preview
would - only be beaten by the very winners, if at all – and
so it proved.
Aveley and Newham had the difficult task of following the Welsh
band on stage, but put in a real solid account of the set work that
impressed the judges and us. Nothing too spectacular, but nothing
too out of place meant 12th spot and further evidence that on their
day this is a band that can more than hold it’s own in top
class company. If only they can get it together to qualify for the
British Open we could possibly see them flourish further.
Much was expected of Grimethorpe Colliery, but once more they flattered
to deceive and had to be content with 7th place – just out
of the prize list. Unlike at the Open, James Gourlay set out the
bands musical stall in straightforward fashion and up until the
euph solo they seemed on course for a top six finish at least. However,
the decision to split the euph solo cost them heavily – it
never sounded comfortable at all and robbed the band of the good
work that went on before and after. David Read mentioned afterwards
that the judges knew too well which bands opted for the two euph
strategy and although he didn’t say it necessarily penalised
bands, you had the sense that it did mean a few points knocked off
the final score. That was perhaps Grimey’s undoing this time
Seindorf Beaumaris was next on stage and played as well as anyone
could have expected of them. 17th place for the North Wales band
may seem a poor result on paper, but theirs was a brave performance
of the set work that although tested the band to the limit and a
touch beyond, was never out of place amongst this level of company,
and they did themselves proud. They will be a band to watch out
for in 2003. Desford meanwhile gave perhaps their best performance
at a “Major” for many a year – full of broad sounds,
fine individual playing and some masterful direction from Peter
Parkes. He knows this piece well and it showed as he coaxed some
exciting playing from the Midlanders from start to finish. 8th place
was a fine return – lets hope it will signal the return to
the bigger stage for the band in 2003 and beyond.
Williams Fairey have had their fair share of disappointments and
close shaves over the years at the Nationals, but right from the
start of their performance you sensed there was something special
brewing. The percussion was perhaps a tad heavy in places, but the
overall picture created by Allan Withington reeked of a swagger
and panache. Morgan Griffiths confirmed that he is currently the
best euph player on a contest stage with a cadenza section that
was superlative, whilst Ian Porthouse revelled in the cornet solo.
The rest of the band played to the same level and by the end the
hairs on the back of your neck were standing on end. Where as BAYV
Cory had built a musical Canary Wharf, Faireys built the equivalent
of the Sydney Opera House – both mighty impressive constructions,
but only one of them is truly beautiful. It split us in the 4BR
box and possibly the audience – but it was a performance of
rare quality and in the end it just pipped the Welsh band to the
The London Regional champions followed Williams Fairey onto the
stage, and just like Aveley before them the prospect of trying to
live up to a great preceding show didn’t faze them at all.
Solid and uncomplicated in style and delivery, Redbridge Brass and
Melvin White showed that it was wrong of many to write off their
chances of doing well against top notch opposition as they came
home 11th. This was a fine show, but they will have to do it again
and again to really convince people that this wasn’t just
a good “one off”. That may sound harsh, but the talent
is certainly there for them to do it.
Kirkintilloch took the stage in the now familiar “flat V”
formation favoured by Frank Renton, and although the band worked
hard at the style and dynamics they could count themselves a touch
unlucky to end up 14th. Nothing went too wrong, but the sound of
the band seems unbalanced due to the formation and at times the
cornets were strident in tone and this detracted. Still, further
proof that the Scots are a band to watch out for.
And so to Yorkshire Building Society and David King. They have
never won here and 2002 was to prove once more that it is not a
happy hunting ground for the European Champions, as they had to
be content with 6th place. It seemed to be going so well and the
trombone playing was perhaps the best of the day, whilst David King
brought out little gems of individual motifs that hadn’t been
heard in any other performance. However, the decision to move the
easy baritone part onto the horn was too obvious, even using a mute
the size of a small child. Perhaps once you can get away with it,
but twice was pushing things and the judges must surely have noticed
the difference in the timbre and penalised them. Why there was a
need to do it, we may never know, but it proved an expensive choice
and added to some muted sop work that wasn’t marked may have
lost the band valuable points. Added to this was the decision to
break the last part of the euph solo into two – with the 2nd
euph playing a blinder in coming in on the top notes of the leaps.
It was brilliant playing, but once more the use of the mute was
too obvious to ignore. The band ended things with a staggering finish
and we thought this may have been one to catch the judges ears –
it did, but those little decisions perhaps were their undoing. We
had them 4th, but the judges had them 6th – roll on next year.
Travelsphere Holidays had performed below expectations at the Open
and were determined to do well here, but once more they found themselves
way down the list. Perhaps the safe and steady approach which never
really lighted up the piece as others had done cost them, as they
gave a performance that was clean and tidy, but lacked the bit of
risk taking that was well within their capabilities. 16th rounded
off a miserable couple of contests – they are so much a better
band that the results of the Open and here suggest, so they can
possibly write this one off to “one of those days”.
Whitburn have been playing well of late and many thought they could
well feature highly here, but in the end they just seemed to run
out of steam when they needed it most and they came home 10th when
it could well have been a touch higher. Philip McCann once more
brought clarity to the reading of the score and the players echoed
his direction, but just when you thought they were going to break
out and go for the kill, they seemed satisfied at their efforts
and slightly drew back into their shell. 10th place was a good return
once more and 2003 should see them get closer to the top bands if
they can just believe in themselves a bit more.
That was it then so we thought – just Fodens Richardson to
go, and just when you thought the judges couldn’t be troubled
Bram Tovey set off an Exocet of a performance that literally brought
the house down.
For us, it was the most complete performance we heard all day –
and that was saying something given the amazing shows put on by
both Williams Fairey and BAVY Cory. Those however were brass band
performances of the very highest class, whilst this seemed like
25 piece orchestral brass ensemble playing out of their skins. Whereas
both Fairey’s and Cory played the piece as a Philip Wilby
work with a nod to Verdi, Fodens played it as a Verdi work with
a nod and a wink in the opposite direction.
It meant that the effects never sounded as stand alone features
but as integral parts of the unfolding plot, whilst the humour of
the music was always bubbling away under the surface. The players
performed in the style as well and Glyn Williams in particular seemed
as if he had almost metamorphosed into Falstaff himself in the cadenza
– it was showpiece stuff and at the end the whole of the auditorium
surely felt they had heard the winner. Different, yes, breathtaking,
yes, the winner, no……..
How they eventually came 4th only the judges will know. Perhaps
they punished some slight tuning problems in the quieter sections,
or the way in which Bram Tovey added extra dramatic touches? It
was beyond us – and fourth place was very, very harsh indeed.
The Gods are not shining on Bram and Fodens, whilst Russell Gray
and the band are blessed – some things in life just don’t
make sense do they?
With that it was all over – a contest of amazing ups and
downs and four performances that stood out in class from the others
on a day when the cream really did rise to the top. Steve Sykes
entertained well before we got down to the nitty gritty and the
Shiela Tracy then proceeded to make a mockery of the whole proceedings
with one of the crassest bits of compere work it has been our misfortune
to ever listen to. We applaud the decision for the adjudicators
to explain themselves, but why or why did this woman reduce it to
something akin to a third rate panto act by goading the audience
into a “will they, won’t they” routine. It made
your teeth curl in embarrassment and who ever made the decision
to ask her to do it should be taken outside and whipped to within
an inch of their lives.
David Read spoke eloquently and effectively – as he always
does, but he too must have cringed with the crassness of the introduction.
His remarks also highlighted that the judges knew who had taken
the risks and those who had taken the easy way out, and he noted
that the four or five bands that really made the piece come to life
where the ones who painted the musical picture the best and took
time to make a note of the snippets of libretto that marked the
With that it was the moment of truth and a minor groan or two as
YBS were given 6th place. Applause for Brighouse and their well-deserved
5th spot before gasps of disbelief as Fodens Richardson were announced
as 4th. Black Dyke’s 3rd place almost went unnoticed before
a further sharp intake of breath as BAYV Cory were placed second.
With that, Shiela Tracy mustered up as much excitement as can be
found in an old peoples home on a Thursday night and announced Williams
Fairey as the winners – a decision that was greeted well,
although not with universal cheers as the band seemed to be missing
from the hall at the moment of truth and Allan Withington had already
gone home to look after his son who was ill.
It was a rather downbeat ending to one of the most memorable contests
for many a year, and one that will have brass band lovers arguing
about the result for many a year to come. The good was brilliant
(the performances from the top bands), but the bad was still as
bad as only a band contest could be (the execrable compere, the
prize money – still £2000 after twenty years for the
winners, and the price of the so called study scores which at £6.00
a piece were a rip off in anyones money).
It did make for a memorable days contest though – and perhaps
that was just enough to make you come back for more next year. Williams
Fairey are the Champions – and winners on “Masquerade”
for the third time (counting the Open of 1993 and the European of
1994 when they took the title playing the work as their “Own
Choice”) but the 2002 Nationals will live in the memory banks
for a long time to come for much more than just their brilliant
win – and that is surely how it should be.
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