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2003 4BR AWARDS: Solo CD of the Year

Read our nominations below for the above category. To vote, follow the links at the bottom of this page.

This year we have initiated a new award – The 4BR Solo CD of the Year. It would have been patently unfair to try and nominate just five CD’s from an overall list, so we taken the step of dividing the releases into two sections - and this means you get the chance to vote on some even more great playing.

Although not great in number, the quality was tremendous, and for us five stood out. We would add though that we couldn’t take into account a few releases as we had not reviewed them by the time we came to these awards, so we couldn’t take into account some super bits of playing from David Childs on his latest release “Hear My Prayer” or from Stephen Mead’s latest “Bravura” which we haven’t heard yet. It shouldn’t stop you from voting for them of course, or for Brett Baker’s “Medtiation”, Phillipe Shartz’s “Magic of Brass”. Take your pick!

Winters TaleWinters Tale
Martin Winter
Doyen Recordings: CD 154


Absolutely stunning. No other words are necessary.

Read our full review of this release

The Sound of David DawsThe Sound of David Daws
David Daws
Egon Recordings: SFZ 117

Truly awesome cornet playing, from the very best cornet player in the business.

Listen and learn.

Read our full review of this release

The Arban CollectionThe Arban Collection
Russell Gray
Egon Recordings: CD SFZ 114

The ghost of Arban past, magnificently resurrected and brought to life by Russell Gray. And all on his original cornet as well.


Read our full review of this release

Saving FaceSaving Face
Rod Franks
Doyen Recordings: CD 148

The return to health and top class form of the former Black Dyke and current top man at the LSO.

A reminder of the more important things in life.

Read our full review of this release

East Meets WestEast Meets West
James Gourlay
Doyen Recordings: CD 141

The master craftsman of the tuba shows that size really matters.

A display of brilliance that makes you wonder what boundaries of bass playing are left to conquer.

Read our full review of this release

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