National Championships 2003
Fourth Section
Adjudicators Remarks
These are the official adjudications from the men in the box - not
4BR and certainly not David Blaine. These are the thoughts of Alan
Morrison and James Scott..............
1st Place
Wardle and District Anderson Brass
Alan Morrison
A secure opening if not totally controlled in tuning. The dynamic
was always on the confident side but balance had been given though.
The accel was well handled and the moderato sat just right in rhythm
and time. The odd untidy moment but the character came over well.
Some tuning insecurity around 86-91 in troms. The bass line was
ever so well controlled and provided a firm foundation to build
the overall ensemble. Cornets had occasional insecure moments but
the lead to [13] was secure. [13] had intonation and balance problems
but was well shaped. Exellent cornets with expression at [14]. Euph
is very sharp in 197-199 but well controlled in accomps. The recap
had vitality and some excellent sounds. A well thought out ending.
Some fine playing and direction marred just by insecurity in the
middle slow section.
James Scott
Well balanced sounds – if a little laboured in general. But
well shaped phrasing. The Moderato is rhythmic and had tight ensemble
with clarity. Watch intonation in chording before [7]. At [7] -
there was a good approach to this tranquillo with again musical
shape. Excellent closing bars before [13]. The Cantabile at [13]
was well shaped – but watch intonation in horns. Closing bars
before [15] had intonation problems – (Euph is sharp). The
reprise of the Moderato was well handled and the closing bars were
excellent in its control.
2nd Place
Long Eaton Silver
Alan Morrison
Generally well controlled to begin with just odd intonation insecurity.
The style was smooth and the transition to [2] was tuneful. The
main theme found the style and thereafter with just the occasional
uneven bar in rhythm. The underlying triplets were a little heavy
but the soloist did well. Some crotchets and phrase ends were a
little untidy but the dynamics were well observed. Some fine playing
to [13]. [13] was carefully handled and well shaped with just odd
insecurity in intonation. Transition to [15] very well handled.
A lively start – well done sop, The last movement flowed well
and had control in tempo and dynamics. A secure ending.
A fine performance with much to amend particularly in the direction.
Occasional insecure moments in intonation but a well shaped and
controlled reading.
James Scott
The opening was well shaped – but there was occasional intonation
problems. The accel. Well judged and you judge the following tempo
well – good ensemble sounds - at [7] you are a little heavy
for dynamics on pp.? Excellent from [9]. All goes well from 11.
The Cantabile was very well played – with musical shape and
good balance. The return to Moderato was well handled and the general
control was commendable.
A performance of musicality and control.
3rd Place
Grange Moor Brass
Alan Morrison
A careful opening that found some shape and flow. The odd tuning
discrepancy the accel. was successful. Triplets were a little scrappy
in cornets but the tempo moved well and the character was despite
some wild moments. The tranquillo was calm and cornets were well
tuned. Bar 111 was very untuneful and [9] was not together but this
was tidy playing generally. Hard animato but cornets rush some triplet
figures. Tuning poor to [13] and beyond in horns. Some well shaped
lines if not always cantabile. 197-199 not quite successful in release
and ensemble. The recap moved well but troms were very untuneful
and some scrappy moments occurred. The ending was well thought out
and securely balanced. Some goood playing throughout the last movement.
Much to commend but not consistent enough in tuning and ensemble
however generally well directed.
James Scott
The pharasing flows – but watch intonation! Good build to
begin the Moderato, which moves rhythmically, but could be much
more detailed – many lower dynamics are played too strong.
Flu/Bar out of tune before [8]. [9] – moves along well. [13]
– quite well shaped – but a little forceful. The rall
leading to [15] was untidy. [15] – the reprise to the Moderato
was well played – rhythmic but not hurried and you end with
There were some food moments in this performance but there were
moments in this performance but there were also some moments of
much less quality.
4th Place
Trinity Girls
Alan Morrison
Well controlled to begin with just occasional tuning worries –
but Andante needs more flow. The accel. Was successful and the moderato
found a lively tempo and purpose. Dynamics were effective but why
so slow at the tranquillo it needs to be calm – but flowing.
Interjections were rather indulgent in < > and sometimes vulgar
for the character Animato took an age to get going but [11] was
lively and the character returned. A good lead to [13] if rather
heavy. Horn does well but the tempo was rather slow and < >
did become rather overdone. The flow is lost but the playing was
quite well controlled and tuneful. Some excitement is generated
in the recap but intonation occasionally becomes insecure. Some
good sounds to the end - if a little hard in places.
Some fine playing in parts but rather indulgent at times particularly
in the Andante sections which lost the musical flow for me.
James Scott
A little more movement would have enhanced – the opening is
marked Andante poco rubato and watch intonation. The Moderato has
rhythmic purpose - but why so slow at [7]? and the < > go
beyond cantabile in 104/105. The animato takes too long to begin
at 140 – but again a very positive return to tempo at [11].
[13] is very forced in horns [14] is better and you close well.
The reprise of the Moderato is well taken with very good sounds
& with a positive rhythmic approach.
Some very good moments in this performance marred by some over
indulgent moments.
5th Place
Alan Morrison
A careful opening that was well tuned but just lacked some forward
movement for andante. Good band sound but the slow tempo causes
some slips and uncomfortableness. A good accel and successful tempo
at [2] if a little scrappy in cornets. Some excellent effects and
dynamics but why so slow at the tranquillo – you have lost
the momentum unnecessarily. It is calm and well played but problems
are caused rather than solved. The animato was successful if occasionally
untidy but the life returned . A good transition to [13] but horn
was very sharpand balance was not secure. [14] was well shaped but
the slow tempo caused problems in release and control. A good band
to [15] and some effective sounds if occasionally wild in <.
The odd moment of untunefulness but the ending was well thought
out if untidy in bar 258.
A fine band but a little indulgent in tempi which caused too many
problems – a pity because this band had a lot going for it.
James Scott
The balance is good - as are the sounds – it is just a little
pedestrian missing the poco rubato. The Moderato moves well and
rhythmically. Why slower at [7]? This does not enhance musically
- even though it is well played. Good ‘build’ to the
Moderato – watch intonation in chording before [13]. At [13]
you make a good attempt at capturing the spirit of the music –
but again you labour the phrasing - this is Andante and reuires
a touch more movement. The reprice of the Moderato is well taken
and restraint is shown in dynamics.
Some inconsistencies in quality of musical points marred a possibility
of much better performance.
6th Place
Alan Morrison
Ensemble was a little loose on some bar lines but tuning was secure
and the style was smooth. Andante could have more flow to effect
the rubato and odd notes suffered in intonation but the moderato
moved well. Rhythm was clearly defined but keep the tempo constant
– it doesn’t need indulgencies. The tone occasionally
became hard but the tranquillo was mostly calm. Sop tuning insecure
from bar 116 The animato was successful but the ensemble was loose
at [11] and sme untidy bars occurred. The transition to [13] was
careful and horns were secure in [13] This was well shaped and tuneful
if a little heavy near the end euph. The recap moved well but keep
the tempo constant – comma’s are breath marks. The ending
was a little hard at times but was well thought out.
Some fine playing for most of the time particularly the Devozione
– not always consistent in tempo and ensemble suffered as
a result.
James Scott
Well shaped – if rater pedantic in phrasing – balance
is good in chording. The Moderato is rhythmic – though a little
indulgent in the making of points! Watch tuning before [7] From
[7] take care that melodic lines and triplets players remain together.
This becomes loose many times, in bar 151 the ‘ is intended
as a breath only [13] Here you capture the spirit of the music well
– particularly at [14] and you buiuld to the return of the
Moderato equally well. The horns/sop unison was overblown by horns
in bar 258 and watch that the last chord is not distorted in trying
to reach fff!
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