British Open Championships 2003
The Adjudicators Remarks
We have the full remarks from the three men in the box on
Saturday for the top six prize-winning performances on the day.
It makes for interesting reading…
1st Place
Yorkshire Building Society
Draw 10
Opening so stylish, balance excellent, basses perhaps a touch heavy
for “pp”, but such a fine tone. Euph sinuous and excellent
handover to the Andante. Superb soprano as are all the soloists.
84 – a much quieter bass entry, well done, and a word to the
previous soloists – great.
E – bar 6 Euph doesn’t finish off well. 100 –
Splendid flugel, well in tune throughout the range. F – Reps
2nd note doesn’t speak. Lovely scale Glock and Vibes. G –
there is some magic here – a fine ending.
Great start – confident playing. 2 before J last quaver someone
played E not G. L – a very robust “f” (I’m
waiting for the “ff”) You didn’t disappoint. Andante
Maestoso – lets say “very full for mf”. P –
is no louder but the “ff” was most effective. R –
very powerful. T – effective. 316 – The 1st baritone
need not make such a crescendo. W – well balanced. X –
full of character – a most musical performance. Well thought
out, the playing was first rate and the relationship between band
and conductor most impressive.
William Relton
This is beautiful beyond description. Band style, balance and sound.
The whole thing is brilliantly put together and so certain in its
musical purpose. A few minor blips but so insignificant. Absolutely
stunning. . I can’t think of a single negative.
Staggering in its brilliance. M – judged to perfection. 194
– Exquisite in its grandeur. This has the hallmark of brilliance
– again I can’t think of a single negative and I’m
running out of compliments. (Did I miss the triangle at 246 –
Tut Tut!)
I can’t praise this highly enough. One of the great contest
performances. Brilliant.
Philip Sparke
The opening displays good control and balance as well as full rounded
sounds. Lovely sop and flug. Beautiful solo cornet too. Animato
moves well into C (slight slip in solo cornets – never mind!)
Well done Flugel. Eb bass entry is heavy 2 before D.
Good tonal balance and colour at Adagio (85). Musically shaped
Flug 1000 onwards. Lovely band sound at F. Vibraphone/Glock is well
done – just right for balance. Good atmosphere to end and
lovely sounds all round.
Jupiter starts in stylish fashion with tight ensemble. Small slip
into J. J has lots of character. L – is slow but has good
character. N – fantastic sound. O – interesting mute
sound – quite like a bassoon actually!! Andante is big and
beautiful. Q works well and good climax at R. Good trombones at
T. V works well with good intonation. Well graded dynamics into
X and a splendid end.
A very fine performance – thank you so much – you’re
all stars!
Stephen Roberts.
2nd Place
Draw 8
Opening a bit firm for “p”. Vibes and Glock delicate.
Nice lead into Andante. Sweet Soprano and well tuned octaves with
flug stylish. Largo, sweet solo cornet. Flug just clips the Bb and
also the A natural on next entry. Dynamics very good and the texture
of sound is full of variety. E – bar 6 uncertain. 100 impeccable
accompaniment in cornets. F – fine music making. G –
elegant percussion, most musical.
Jupiter – starts vigorously. H – fine. J- a real swing
here, well done dynamics. L- Well balanced nothing overdone. N-
Great chord, timps excellent!. Andante Maestoso – You do so
well to keep dowm to “mf”. Q – a bit scatchy.
250 – a scramble. R – Great. T – 319 a great run.
X – Most effective. A most musical performance with only the
tiniest of slips.
William Relton
VENUS – some small sense of nervousness to open, but bar 11
is just gorgeous - superbly balanced. 30 – just right 30 –
Sop imperious! B – lovely cornet. This is all so good. The
blips are so minor as not to matter – but the range of colour
you achieve is remarkable as well as being apposite. This is just
so good. Balance is unbelievably good and everything is in context.
JUPITER. – Opening cornets have just a few too mnay noisy
accents for me, but tempo is well set and playing is so well controlled.
L – magnificent. M – well judges stringendo. 194 –
Lovely style and control again, although I really think there should
be no rall into the Andante (as written).
Q – not quite so solid! R – is geat though and you
continue in masterful form to the end.
What a brilliant performance. This had everything right about it.
Exciting withut losing control, wonderful soloists and a great director.
Wonderful – thank you
Philip Sparke
Opening is secure and the balance is excellent at 12 lending a fine
homogenous sound. Andante – sop and flug sound well, as does
solo cornet. Fine control from sop – well done. Good cresc
at 81 – excellent tonal depth and colour contrasts. Good flugel
at Andante and good accompaniment. Excellent sop into F –
fine control. Good tempo and well judges dynamics to end. A well
shaped Venus with some excellent soloists.
Jupiter starts lightly with good build to “ff” before
H. j has good “jolly” character. L – is stately
but retains good spirit of jollity. Great sound at N – well
done timps! Andante is a little sedate in tempo, but sound is classy.
226 – fabulous sound. Q onwards – almost!! All goes
well. Good bass trom at X – a fine end.
A fine performance with excellent tonal variation and outstanding
performances from the soloists.
Stephen Roberts
3rd Place
Black Dyke
Draw 11
Opening nice diminuendo well balanced cornets, great sound, basses
elegant and so very sonorous. Fine lead in to Andante. 7 after B
an uncertainty in attack and also the next bar. D – Solo horn
late on entry, flug not quite accurate. 100 – Lovely flug
playing complimenting the earlier great soprano solo. F –
so well balanced. G – very tranquil. Nice Glock and such a
great Morendo.
Bright and breezy, great dynamics. J – Jovial! A very well
selected tempo. L – fine. M- I like the stringendo. O –
lovely integration of these figures and a delicate ending. I found
the change of speed to the Andante a bit hard to reconcile with
minim equals crotchet. A fine robust tone and well observed dynamics.
Q – Very good, so well picked out. T – unexaggerated
Meno Mosso, well done. V – Great Glock and Tambourine playing.
Well balanced. X – most effective
William Relton
Venus – superb to open (again!). This is playing of the highest
order. What doesn’t come across back here is the syncopated
pulse of the accomp. (Horns and back row). But the overall musical
shape is wonderful. There are a couple of minor slips but not enough
to spoil the atmosphere you create. Lovely movement overall.
JUPITER – once again the brilliance of the playing is knitted
together into a performance of real stature by the MD.
I won’t write much ‘cos I need to really listen to
It was just terrific. If were giving points I’d have to knock
off one or two but no more!
Many congrats. Its tough today!!
Philip Sparke
Opening has good atmosphere. Balance is good and dynamics commendable.
Sop plays well, as do other soloists. Pulse figure is not totally
clear and small intonation lapses, but good playing all round generally.
Adagio is at a suitable tempo and there is a lovely spirit of peace.
Excellent flugel and good link in to F from euph. Swell before G
is a little strong to my taste. A lovely ending – well controlled.
Jupiter begins with effervescence and “fff” yields
exciting sounds. Good staccato chords display tight ensemble of
band. I really like this tempo – it is energetic as well as
clear. Good climax at N. O is effective into Andante, though this
slow tempo seems to change gear too much. Good band sound, though
“ff” is a trifle forced. Well done at Q – very
fine. T has plenty of character. V takes off rather quickly but
it’s all very well played. Good to end.
A splendid performance with some tempo changes which did not quite
work for me. Well played everyone.
Stephen Roberts
4th Place
Fairey FP (Music)
Draw 9
Opening so very stylish, bar 11 trombones rather wooly in attack.
Euph smooth. Andante, very fine soprano. C – Just a tiny blip.
Largo – Solo cornet forces a bit D – also the horn.
Largo – discreet vibes. E – Well done solo horn and
flugel. Andante bar 100 – again a slight click. F –
Well balanced and nothing exaggerated. Nice glock, sensitively played.
A great ending.
Jupiter – Great dynamics, marvellous to hear “f”
than “ff”. J – fine, great baritones bar 76. K
– delicate phrasing. Tempi are great. Andante Maestoso just
the right speed and texture of scoring. Q – not at all successful,
everbody with the shakes. T – fine start here. V – Great.
A very fine musical performance except for the disaster at Q.
William Relton
Venus – opening just wonderful from all. Apart from the minor
personal slips, I feel the fluctuations in tempo just feel a little
out of context and break up the atmosphere of the whole. But this
is superb playing and the overall concept is stunning.
Jupiter – Wonderful once again – played with such character.
L to N has really well judged tempi and works the best yet. This
is so convincing. 194 – Wonderful sound and is so well shaped.
What a pity Q falls apart a bit but you are back to form at R and
WHAT form! V - Brilliant. This has such energy. X – That’s
how it goes!!
There were moments of sheer brilliance in this performance. Great
band, great soloists and brilliantly directed. Real shame about
the few poor bars in Jupiter after Q.
Philip Sparke
A very finely controlled opening with lots of atmosphere. Sop does
well – slightly out of tune with flug. B sounds rather rushed
and forced. Nice euph at Largo and a good balanced sound at the
Adagio. Flug sings at Andante in musical fashion. Ensemble at 110?
Blaance not quite so good after F – cornets a little too loud.
Good ending.
Jupiter starts brightly with great punch and energy at H. Just
a few minor blemishes along the way and occasional feeling of rushing,
but great spirit all the while. O - well negotiated. Andante flows
well – I like this tempo. Q – oops! (also into Q solo
cornet 2) Fine accel into T. Lots of bustle and energy. V is scintillating.
X is fine. Exciting to end.
An exhilarating performance with plenty of musicality and shape.
I liked the spirit you captured with so mnay fine shapes, but Q
let you down and some parts of Venus were a trifle overdone.
Stephen Roberts
5th Place
Brighouse and Rastrick
Draw 17
Opening stylish (a bit firm for “p”) Gentle basses.
A gentle fine euph – Andante, great soprano, just the last
note failed. 49 – Not a good attack. Largo, sweet solo cornet,
well attached flug. 3 of D not quite so successful. 83 – Euph
just makes it. E – Nice flug, flexible Euph. 100 – Lryical
flug. F – well balanced, great scales on vibes and Glock.
calm is maintained, G – in a beautifully tranquil ending.
Jupiter – Boisterous start, so clear, great dynamics. 4 before
I a glitch in the sop. J- Very sonorous before L – No rit
please. M – fine stringendo. O – neat. 192 – 193
– 194 these 3 bars run at the same pulse, the Andante is a
touch slower than it should be. There is a great sonority in this
band which you maintain at different dynamics. Well done. Q –
has a couple of blips. R – full rich tone. 316 – the
run should start quieter. W – great fanfares and a great clarity
in the lines, well seperated. X – Very big finish –
a great sounding band.
William Relton.
Venus – Gorgeous opening. Sop plays a blinder! Couple of small
slips just invade the atmosphere. 58 – lovely climax, great
sop again. 80 – superb colours. 85 – bit more vibes
please. 94 – beautifully handled. Delicate into F –
which nearly works! Lovely atmosphere maintained to the end. Superb
close. Just a couple of intonation things at the end.
JUPITER – Cornets very clear texture and this is an appropriate
tempo. Superb lower band sounds – big but not overdone. 75+
one or two tiny blips just detract a little. Why rit into L!!! Not
M – works nicely – just the right stringendo. 164 –
Timps rather OTT. O – a little too quiet to balance properly.
194 minim = chrotcher???? Andante really fine sense of space, but
I don’t think Holst meant it to be at this tempo.
Q – works well but “mp” not “pp”
please! In 242 9it is written to be a crescendo) But you still produce
such a fine band sound, “glowing”!! and everything beautiful
in context. X – Solo cornet 1 and 2 not in evidence completely.
Great into 395! Super close. Molto Bravo!
Philip Sparke
Fine opening. Well balanced smooth sounds. Good euph and sop. Just
an occasional blemish. The tempos are nicely handled and well judged.
Very good into F. Piano is a touch strong at F. A good atmosphere
captured. Rit into G is over stylised for me. Ending fades well.
A finely shaped performance with just the occasional touch of “de
trop” in the stylisation.
Jupiter starts clearly with great articulation. Why the rit into
L? These mannerisms do not enhance, they merely detract.
N – big sound. O is clear and, again, well articulated. Andante
feels too slow in relation to Allegro with some indulgent mannerisms.
“ff” is played with fine sound. Q onwards not quite!!
Good sound at R and onward and tight ensemble.
A great sounding band and some fine playing. Some of the mannerisms
were overdone and did not always enhance an otherwise fine performance.
Stephen Roberts
6th Place
Draw 13
Opening nice start, if rather loud. 11 fine delicate trombone entry.
Andante fine soprano and nice octaves with flug . sweet solo cornet.
Largo (83) powerful euph, nice bass line. E – Well balanced.
100 - Steady flug. F – Great soprano and a nice forward movement
to Euph and 2nd cornets. Nice ending.
Jupiter. Vigorous start, good dynamics well balanced. I –
full of character. J – well measured. 100 – well placed
solo parts. L – steady. M – good stringendo and Piu
Mosso clear. N – great climax. Not a neat change 192 –
193 – 194, it should all be at the same pulse. P – What
a good lead from Sop! Q – neat. R – in character. T
– Stylish. V.W – clean clear lines. X – Full rich
playing. A good band performance of technical ability.
William Relton
Venus – This really is very lovely. Some questions about intonation
in muted cornets, but soloists are lovely (Sop is a master!)
My main comment is that it lacks a little musical purpose. Whilst
there are lovely individual moments, its not yet gelling into performance.
Very clean performance, but more a series of episodes than a complete
JUPITER – once again, you sound like a great Band –
standard of playing is high all round the band, but there seems
to be no musical cohesion. L – That’s great –
this is working really well. O – a little too quiet to work
balance wise. P – Timps not in evidence (or triangle at 246),
but you continue to play well – very well as the piece progresses.
You are now making cogent musical progress.
This was a fine band and on good form, just lacking total musical
commitment in places. Thanks
Philip Sparke
Opening is full of atmosphere and the soloists all play well with
good sense of line. Occasionally the tempo links are over laboured
– they don’t seem to always flow naturally into one
another. Great sop at F and well done flug and euph earlier on.
Into G is static with extra ritardando. Good ending.
Jupiter. 1st 5 bars not quite there. Good tempo – well done
flugel. J has good character. L is fine and jolly and dynamic lifts
well into N.
Link into Andante not smooth – pickup crotchets too slow.
P – timps? All goes pretty well. T is fun – well done
trombones. V takes off at a lick. Big sound at 372 – great.
X is fine and a good end.
Some very fine playing and a good performance which lacked a really
strong shape. Many of the tempo changes seemed too discrete and
lacked the plasticity required.
Stephen Roberts
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