2003 European
26 April-4 May 2003
Bergen |
Grand Closing Concert
and EEBA Forum
YBS and Stavanger provide the entertainment at the
traditional Gala Concert with an epic new piece from the pen of
Derek Bourgeios entitle "Apocalypse" as the centre piece.
Martin Winter who so impressed everyone at the recent Norwegian
Championships is one of the featured soloists, whilst Stavanger
back from their recent win in the USA will provide the rest of the
programme in the second half.
There is also the chance to catch who will win the 2nd European
Conductors competition as well.
Eikanger Bjorsvik Musikklag and BAYV Cory provide the entertainment
on the day after the big event, whilst EBBA have an "Open Forum"
on the Friday when a debate on how to fill a concert hall will take
place. Interetsing topic after Prague?
Gala Concert and Final European Conductors competition
Grieghallen, Thursday, May 1st 2003 at 19.00 hours
Sandefjord Brass Symposium will do a short opening piece for the
concert, and a short finishing piece after the three finalists of
the European Conductors competition. The compositions in the Final
Dove Descending by Philip Wilby
Stonehenge by Jan van der Roost
Tristan Encounters by Martin Ellerby
The European Youth Brass Band under the direction of Helge Haukås
will also play for 30 minutes. The Award Ceremony for the European
conductors Competition will commence at the end of the concert.
Gala Concert
Grieghallen, Saturday, May 3rd 2003 at 20.00 hours
Anne-Grethe Strøm-Eriksen, from Bergen Kommune, will open
the concert. The first part of the concert is a program of 30-minute
traditional brass band music by Yorkshire Building Society, including
a brand new composition called ‘Apocalypse’ by Derek
Bourgeois. The second half of the program will be played by Stavanger
Brass Band with a female singer, Martin Winter on trumpet and Øyvstein
Bådsvik on tuba. Stavanger Brass Band will also play a new
especially arranged piece, based on Norwegian folk music.
Sunday, May 4th
at 12.30
Eikanger-Bjørsvik Musikklag, Reid Gilje
”Buy as you view Cory Band, Bob Childs
The European Youth Brass Band, Helge Haukås
Two of the very best Brass Bands of Europe meet in the closing concert
of the European Brass Band Championships 2003. Both Eikanger-Bjørsvik
Musikkalg and “Buy as you view” Cory Band have played
a major role in the European Brassband scene for more than 10 years.
Eikanger won the EBBC in Norway in 1989, and has from that time
been a roll model in European brassbanding.
It is a real pleasure to be able to again present Eikanger-Bjørsvik
Musikklag on the European scene, this time in concert together with
the great Cory Band, and the members of the European Youth Brass
Band, the future of European brass band scenes. Make sure your flight
doesn’t leave before 16.00, so that you can experience this
great closing concert.
Friday, May 3rd
Open Conference “From empty seats to big success for band
at 10.00 – 12.30
Gert Ohlsson is one of the gurus in concert and event marketing
in Scandinavia.
Gert Ohlsson has had big success all over Scandinavia with his conferences
and workshops on concert and event making, with focus on the main
issue; how to get a big audience.
Everybody working with concerts, events, bands or other cultural
activities will surely benefit from the thoughts of Gert Ohlsson.
Meet a man who has “made it” with the audience. In this
forum you will meet him both as a lecturer, as well as in debate.
Make sure to make a space in your schedule from 10 to 12.30 on Friday
May 2nd.
© 4BarsRest
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